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Synergy Yoga Teacher Training 2019 May 29th – June 23rd

PEACE.HEAL.GROW and SYNERGY YOGA Teacher Training 2019.Join us on the transformation of your yoga journey to begin your Yoga Career!This teacher training is design to explore the depths of yoga, re-discover yourself, and heal yourself and others.Hosted by Victoria Brunacci & Carol Figares + Senior Teachers.

Introduction to Ayurveda with Victoria Brunacci

Peace Heal Grow 1419A East Commercial Blvd, Oakland Park

Intro to Ayurveda Saturday June 1st 3-5pm Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing rooted in the ancient Vedic culture of India. Literally meaning “the science of life” (Ayur ...


~Joy of Breath~ w Emily

Joy of Breath is a powerful process that creates change and healing in one’s life. By changing how we breathe we can increase feelings of well being, have more energy, and detoxify our bodies. It also decreases stress, tension, and anxiety and allows us to connect to our higher self and inner wisdom
