Private sessions

Sound Healing | 60 min | $108

Modern medicine can now measure and confirm sound as a means to promote mental, physical, and emotional health. Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, bells, rattles and drums vibrations are the tools utilized to promote the healing process. Sessions often produce a release of blocks, stressors, and toxins. Energy release, a deep sense of tranquility, sleep soundly and feel the effects of the treatment for several days are all beautiful things to look forward to after his sound session!

Chakra Harmonizing  | 60 min | $108

Energy can become blocked which can result in physical and psychological disturbances. Chakra harmonizing is a multidimensional process using the elements with crystals, oils and sound healing to create a harmonized well-being.

Prana Connect | 60 min | $108

Custom private session with a combination of breathing exercises and yogic poses along with meditations to help reconnect to your inner light.

Reiki Healing | 60 min | $108

Energy centers are restored to their natural state of flow improving overall health. The chakras (energy centers of the body) are used to help diagnose and heal the complete self physically, mentally and spiritually. Reiki can be used to heal physical ailments as well as give insight to issues going on within the recipient. This non-intrusive healing energy work promotes re- laxation, reduces stress and tension. Psycholog- ically, an hour’s treatment of Reiki is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep.

Energy Personal Clear  | 60 min | $108

Energy clearing works to clear out the toxic energy that is affecting your mind, body, and soul. When energy that does not serve your life’s purpose is cleared from your body, you may feel better mentally and physically. Cutting cords of past realizing what no longer serves you.

And more!  Call for More Details  !